Days off. A beautiful thing. Most of us, use the time to run errands and clean the house. Not me. I do that on one of my short days, so on my day off I can do absolutely nothing. But. I always end up doing something on my day off. Generally, something I had no intentions of getting into. Like this past weekend. Sunday is my best day off. I usually spend the whole day toying around with my little projects or writing. Then veg on the couch, watch Charmed and eat ice cream. But this past Su...
I beg for help. No major boom happened. I set up limited accounts for each member of my family. After the teenager was downloading and got a virus from Boo only knows where. I went to one of the accounts to set up what my honey would need and have discovered the inability to get to the internet. Have I done something wrong? I have searched Microsofts site and found no real answers. Either that, or I am not wording the question right. How do I make sure that each of my limited ac...
Sometimes. I just kinda wanna smack people. The teenager. My step-son of sorts. Puttering on my computer, downloaded something that had a virus. Very possibly the Doomsday virus. Lucky. We caught on that something was a miss right off the bat. I found several things that didn't' look right. Fixed it. Called my guru in and cleared the rest. Still. I want to smack the teenager. More than that, I want to smack his father. I gave explicit instructions. DO NOT allow the teenager back on...
Tonight. Was weird. No other word for it. Just weird. Karaoke at Penny's is usually pretty swinging, but tonight I had an avalanche of singers. So much so, I played 45 minutes over. It was also the boss's b-day. His wife was the one who ended up trashed. She sang. She never does that. It was funny. I got blamed for someone straightening their life out. No joke. He was serious when he said it was my fault he paid off his debt and started writing again. I was a bit stunned. This is ...
As some of you know, I'm a bartender during the days. Today, one of my older regulars comes in. Alex. WW II vet. Pretty fiesty for his age. And five minutes into a conversation, he asks if I've heard of the Mass ruling on gay marriage. Of course, he thinks it's wrong. I smiled softly at him and asked one question. "Are you gay?" he sputtered for a moment, then said no. "What does it matter to you then if they get married or not." "It's just wrong." "So was letting black and white kids...
Lists. I make lists all the time. They litter my desk.My wall and the window. This does not always mean I follow these things.Or even pay attention to them really. It's reference points for later on. They go with the master plan in my head. I havecertain things I am planning to do. Once I pay off this one bill, I have a planfor my computer. It's going to take me three weeks to pay the thing off. So. Inthose 3 weeks, I will make many lists, based on research I do between ...
Ah. Automation. The governments answer to making life easier. Easier for whom? Me? Not so much. I'm currently on hold with the DMV. Crappy muzak. A recorded message every 4 minutes. I don't deal with the DMV unless I have to. Today. I have to. Grrr. To top this off. I sent my car in to the shop. My new to me car. Because it sat for so long, some things need to be done to it. I get that. But I've got a feeling, they're blowing smoke at me about some of the repairs. AHA! A pers... I know I've already posted today. But, then I read some headlines, and this one popped out at me. Mass. High Court Rules for Gay Marriage I think it's about time. I'm not gay. But I know a couple people who are. We've never really talked about those things. I always thought "Love is love." Why shouldn't you be allowed to marry the one you love? I know that in some states, the church has a strong hold on the lawmakers, and nothing t...
Winter Blahs...Yikes Thankfully, this week, Mother Nature has let off on the sub-zero temps. It's around 30 outside right now. And that feels like a heat wave after the minus degrees we had. We got a crap load of snow yesterday. But it was the heavy snow. Great for snowballs, and not too awful to drive on. Last night, I was wandering around my kitchen, making a little snack to go with my shows I was watching in the living room. We have a "baby gate" in the door way of the little...
(also posted in forums about Janet) I don't know about you, but this year's halftime show really bit. If it sucked, it would've felt good. MTV should NEVER be in charge of anything for the general public viewing audience. The Janet thing. I really can't believe she did that. I know she's been getting racier as she's progressed in her career. But this is a stunt we'd expect to see Madonna pull. Janet's always been flirting with the edge of "naughty". I always thought her to have a classier se...
It's a rare occasion when I don't have to DJ on Friday night. I like it. Sorta like a mini break. I get right back into again on Saturday. I don't mind really. The step kids are here and the one likes to bug me. So, I went to the video store. Rented Sex & The City season 2. No order on this really. I just hadn't seen much of the show, so I know there are tons of episodes for me to watch. I may eventually buy it. It's a fun watch. I also rented The Outsiders. I still favor the book, but th...
I got home a while ago. I sat down and proceeded to watch tonight's Angel episode. OMG! I laughed like crazy when Andrew appeared and saw Spike. I have to go back and watch it again, cause I missed whatever was said. Sometimes, I'm too easily amused. Snow. Today. Tomorrow. Friday. And just for a change. Snow on Saturday. That's the forcast my friends. Lots of freakin' snow. Wee. If I skied or snowmobiled, I would more than likely be thrilled by the forecast. I don't do either of those thi...
Ah, it's almost February. Not that I couldn't have known this looking at a calendar. No. The awards show season has started. And. All my favorite shows are saving their whammy episodes for the sweeps weeks. Yes. Feb is good for more than just Valentines and Presidents days. It also holds Ash Wednesday. But I haven't paid attention to my catholic upbringing since I was old enough to think for myself. If you're Catholic, I'm not slamming you. Believe whatever you like. Please. Just don't be yell...
Wee and fun. I went grocery shopping. Also, paid the roadrunner bill. Actually. I put the envelope in the deposit slot. Too long of a line. One would think that on Friday, they would attempt to have two tellers. Nope. Just the one. Normally, I'm alone, and I don't mind waiting. I like to have the receipt in my hand. I know then that it is truly paid. But today, the boyfriend was with me, and he doesn't deal well with waiting. Grocery shopping with the boyfriend is always a bit maddening. I ...
My mother passed away in 1989. Almost 15 years now. She died of AIDS. Given to her by her second husband. Funny. I always feel the need to relate how she got it. Sometimes, I want to say "Why does it matter how. She's gone." But I never do. Somehow, that would tarnish her. And she was beautiful. I sometimes run into people who knew her. I look like her. From a distance, I'll hear her name. Then someone touches my shoulder, and they realize it's me. They ask about her. I cringe inwardly...