I was laughing too hard the first time
I got home a while ago. I sat down and proceeded to watch tonight's Angel episode. OMG! I laughed like crazy when Andrew appeared and saw Spike. I have to go back and watch it again, cause I missed whatever was said.
Sometimes, I'm too easily amused.
Snow. Today. Tomorrow. Friday. And just for a change. Snow on Saturday. That's the forcast my friends. Lots of freakin' snow.
Wee. If I skied or snowmobiled, I would more than likely be thrilled by the forecast. I don't do either of those things. Don't care for the snow really.
Pretty enough. Someplace else. And yet, here I am in the great white north. One would think that eventually, I would catch a break and be living somewhere south. But no. It hasn't happened yet.
My birthday is in Dec. I have vowed that this year. I will spend it on a beach, someplace really warm.
Where should I go?
I've looked into cruises. With my birthday being a week before X-Mas, there are dates they are not booking. Oy.
I may have to find a all inclusive hotel someplace. I am determined to be someplace nice for my birthday.
The Bahamas look nice. Perhaps the Virgin Islands? I want tropical. Palm trees. Snokling. Drinks with cute umbrellas.
I have to go to bed. My eyes are getting fuzzy.
Night all
The Misfit Chick