My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
Sometimes, you just dont' want them to.
Published on January 27, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
Ah, it's almost February. Not that I couldn't have known this looking at a calendar. No. The awards show season has started. And. All my favorite shows are saving their whammy episodes for the sweeps weeks.
Yes. Feb is good for more than just Valentines and Presidents days. It also holds Ash Wednesday. But I haven't paid attention to my catholic upbringing since I was old enough to think for myself. If you're Catholic, I'm not slamming you. Believe whatever you like. Please. Just don't be yelling at me because I believe the Catholic church to be evil and outdated.

To get on a small rant for a second. I'll give you one of my reasons for not following that faith. They send, they, being the Vatican, Mother Teresa to Africa. I can't remember which cities or anything. But starving kids, no drinking water..etc. You've seen the commercials begging for money. Anyway, they send her. Clearly, with that much suffering and dying going on, a sane person would come up with ways to ease it off some. No. Not her. We have in the time, technology, medical advancements. Ways to avoid problems and solve them should they arrive. One of the problems in Africa is AIDS. Solution? Condoms. Does the Catholic church offer this? No. Why? It's against gods teaching. Says who? I really want to know where in that stupid little book, written by people who thought the earth was flat, does it say "Thou shalt not use condoms."? They KNOW how to stop some of the dying. They KNOW how to help these people. But religion stops them. Only someone truly evil would be able to stand there and stare at this problem, know of a solution and NOT help. That's evil.
Rant over.

I have officially solved my DVD burning problem. Arcsoft has not yet answered my damn question. Do not bother with that product. The customer support really sucks. I figured it out on my little lonesome. Hunted high and low, read some reviews, talked to some people. Now I have at least 2 DVD burning programs that work decently, without being too technical. I mean, I can understand alot of things dealing with computers, but I'm not a genius, ya know? So now. I'm happy.

Webshots is a nifty little desktop program for those of us who just want the pretty pictures. I've had it several years now. I haven't yet upgraded to their unlimited program, but I'm thinking more seriously about it. I don't go searching the website every week. I go about once every two months. I have more than enough pictures now, that I could change my desktop pic every day for a year and still not repeat any of them. I don't change my picture everyday. I tend to leave the same one up for a month, sometimes two. Just till I sit there at my desk and stare at it long enough to realize it's been there a while. They've got all sorts of pictures. I lean towards the tropics and the sea. I have some cityscapes and kitten pics. A few flower pics, and I think I even have some "new age" type pics. So. Something for everyone on the site. If you just want the pretty picture, without searching too hard for it.

Well, I've rambled long enough and now, it's time to get ready for work.
I hope this finds you in good health and spirits.
Take care of you
The Misfit Chick

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