My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
Funniest line ever!
Published on March 10, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
I adore Gilmore Girls. I love how fast they talk, I love the writing of the show. It's good.
Best line....Luke was attempting to fix Lorelai's window while being drunk. He cut his hand. Lorelai, being the fun girl she is, has only Barbie band-aids. She attempts to fix up his hand, and put the band-aid on it. He doesn't notice at first, then goes across the room, babbling like drunks do. Takes a moment to notice his hand, and says "Got a handful of Barbie."
Just the way the line was delievered! Good thing I wasn't sitting anywhere precarious. I would have fallen right off laughing.

It's Re-Run month!!! Or at least some of it is. Stargate's still new episodes.
No new episodes of some of my fave shows.
Smallville, Angel, Gilmore Girls, Charmed., 24, Tru Calling, West Wing.
I'm dying for the stories to continue!
I do so love my TV. I know. It's evil to say that.
But I would rather stay home and watch some tube than go out right now.
Summer. You won't catch me in the house too often.
But come winter. I hibernate!
If I don't have to work. I stay home.

Are you a summer person? A winter person?
I'm definately summer. I like spring, lilacs bloom in spring. But summer is by far the best for me.

Off I go to work.
Take care of you
The Misfit Chick

on Mar 10, 2004
I am definitely a spring/summer person! I hate cold weather. I hibernate as well.
I love to watch TV too. I don't think it's evil... it's entertainment! Enjoy it.
I have never watched Gilmore Girls, but I am sorry I missed that episode!
on Mar 11, 2004
If you like fast talk, pop culture references, and wacky behavior. Gilmore Girls is for you!
Stars Hollow seems to be filled with colorful people.
I would love to live there.

Ah, if life could be like TV, huh?
on Mar 11, 2004
You should watch "everwood". It's's a gilmore girls type of show.

I hate reruns too, but their needed for people with lives (unlike me) who miss some shows. lol

on Mar 12, 2004
I counted the lines Lorelai had in one show; and it exceeded all the lines of Schwarzenegger's career.
They sure do talk fast! I agree with Nomad: watch Everwood. 
on Mar 12, 2004
I've seen an episode of Everwood. Generally it comes on when I'm out working. But I'll attempt to catch it.
Thanks for the tip.

Yeah. Lorelai can really scream right along can't she?
Lauren Graham (I'm sure I spelled her last name wrong) really must be something to remember all those lines!
on Mar 12, 2004
T.V. is such a waste of time... it represents everything that's wrong with our culture... I can't help but wonder if Albert Einstein would have made the discoveries that he did if he had been sitting around watching T.V. all the time...

it literally holds us back from all that we can be.

now having said all that... i must confess that i'm watching "trigger happy T.V." right now...

I hate myself