I've decided I want to improve my knowledge base. It occurs to me sometimes, that I am not stupid, nor am I really smart.
I've been described as "street smart" which is a compliment. I've been told I have a wide variety of subjects that I know little bits about, which is good for conversations with a wide cross section of people.
But I feel there is always room for improvement.
Now. How do I do that? School is out of the question. The money is a problem.
So. Home education. Self taught. Seems to be my only option.
Where to start? What subject to start with?
It seems to make sense to start with things I already deal with, such as computers. I know a lot of things. I need to know more.
Any idea where to start with that quest?
My cat has not been sick since the children left. My theory about her not liking the youngest of the two may be correct. Time will tell.
A mini rant shall now commence about Office Max and their rebate center.
I recently bought two things from there. Both had two rebates, one from the manufac. and one from Office Max. Now. you have to send the original UPC code in with the rebate form. Office Max stated on their web site that if it was in combination with another offer, a copy of the UPC would be enough. I did that, and guess why my rebate claim was denied? Invalid UPC! No, really not kidding. That happened on the first one I sent in, and now, they are doing it with the second. I'm so mad. I did write them nicely the first time. The second I was not inclined to be nice.
I'm calling them as we speak.
I better get a decent explaination as to why it's invalid.
I'm going to go for now. In case I need to find a main office number. And yell at someone higher up the food chain.
The Misfit Chick