My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read. to do that.
Published on February 24, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
I've decided I want to improve my knowledge base. It occurs to me sometimes, that I am not stupid, nor am I really smart.
I've been described as "street smart" which is a compliment. I've been told I have a wide variety of subjects that I know little bits about, which is good for conversations with a wide cross section of people.
But I feel there is always room for improvement.
Now. How do I do that? School is out of the question. The money is a problem.
So. Home education. Self taught. Seems to be my only option.
Where to start? What subject to start with?
It seems to make sense to start with things I already deal with, such as computers. I know a lot of things. I need to know more.
Any idea where to start with that quest?

My cat has not been sick since the children left. My theory about her not liking the youngest of the two may be correct. Time will tell.

A mini rant shall now commence about Office Max and their rebate center.
I recently bought two things from there. Both had two rebates, one from the manufac. and one from Office Max. Now. you have to send the original UPC code in with the rebate form. Office Max stated on their web site that if it was in combination with another offer, a copy of the UPC would be enough. I did that, and guess why my rebate claim was denied? Invalid UPC! No, really not kidding. That happened on the first one I sent in, and now, they are doing it with the second. I'm so mad. I did write them nicely the first time. The second I was not inclined to be nice.
I'm calling them as we speak.
I better get a decent explaination as to why it's invalid.

I'm going to go for now. In case I need to find a main office number. And yell at someone higher up the food chain.
The Misfit Chick

on Feb 24, 2004
It's alot more fun to know alot about a little...those people are always the most interesting.

And it's alot more fun to be the "fun" one instead of the "smart" one, but I can feel ya girl.

Have a nice day!

on Feb 24, 2004
I know exactly how you feel. I always feel as though I don't knw enough. I'm teaching myself through high school, so I feel a responsibility to make sure I'm really smart and know a lot, but I'd say read read read! Go to the library and look on the "new books" shelf, because new books are so good, and usually interesting. So I say learn what you want to know, get books on what you're interested in. Oh and hey, research a little bit on alpacas if you don't what they are (If you're not from Ohio, then you probably won't have a clue) and then find a way to incorperate alpacas into conversations. It makes it more interesting and makes you look smarter than everyone else, sometimes anway... haha ;o) Good luck on your quest for knowledge!!! I once also hear a quote that went something like this: "If you like to read, I encourage you to read everything you can. You can always pick up bits of knowlege here and there if you read little things, like ingredients, license plates etc.
on Feb 24, 2004
Alpacas. Aren't they like llamas? Or sheep? The only way I know that, is from watching the West Wing. The new secretary for the President bought some Alpacas. He thought she was bizarre. Made for a funny episode though!

I'm with ya Trinitie. Being fun is definately better. I highly recommend it!
But sometimes. You need to be smart.
"You can get by on charm for 15 minutes, after that, you better know something."

No joy with calling Office Max. Damn. I'll try again later when I have more time.
Now, it's off to that job that keeps me fed.
on Feb 24, 2004
yeah, they're like llamas, only a bit smaller, and better!
on Feb 24, 2004
Yes, read, but remember...beware the man of one book...someone cool said that I'm sure.

on Feb 24, 2004

Now. How do I do that? School is out of the question. The money is a problem.
So. Home education. Self taught. Seems to be my only option.
Where to start? What subject to start with?
It seems to make sense to start with things I already deal with, such as computers.

School is not out of the question. You would be amazed at the various grants and loans out there to help nearly anyone that wants to pursue an education. What state do you live in again? NY, right? go online, and you'll find a plethora of information on scholarships and such.

Reader's Digest is a great all around mag to read to increase your knowledge base. is a good way to test how you're doing, and also to increase your knowledge when you get one wrong. (they put up new questions in a variety of categories every day.

You said you're interested in computers, so if that's the case, you should get involved in different projects that will challenge you to learn new things. Build a basic website, and then tell us all the address so we can check it out and encourage you as you go...

i have more to say on this, but it's time to get off work
on Feb 24, 2004
... continuing from home... i should be studying for my algebra final right now...

Reader's digest has little factoids, inspirational stories of success, and a vocab list every month to learn from... that's why i mentioned it. Just a great all around mag.

get back to us after you check into getting a scholarship. the money is out there, you just have to look for it, and apply for it.

as for learning more, the big thing there is knowing what you want to learn about. at various times, people have mentioned favorite books, either in this blog, or another one, tell us what you want to learn about, and i'll bet ya that we can all suggest good books on the topic. (that goes for anyone, not just Ali)

As you can tell, i'm big on the whole knowledge thing. I think Bacon said it best when he said, "Knowledge is Power"... a good combination of knowledge and experience will get you far in this world. Unfortunately, most employers want that little piece of paper hanging on your wall that vouches for the education part. I can't stress enough to people that college is much more affordable than most people think. You just gotta look...

i'm gonna shut up now, but i'm fully expecting some feedback on this...
on Feb 25, 2004
Unfortunately, most employers want that little piece of paper hanging on your wall that vouches for the education part.

I have learned that first hand, my dear. They all want that silly piece of paper. Nevermind that I actually know what I'm doing. From expirence, not school.

College. That requires me to actually stay in one place for a while. Not that I can't do it. But I've always had the option of packing up and zooming down the road when ever I've wanted. If I'm going to school. I can't do that.
It's the mental image of being fenced in, that is scary. I've always been my own girl. If I didn't like something, I could leave.
If I go to school....and something happens...then what?

I could just adjust to the idea that nothing would happen...and go. And cross my fingers that nothing does go wrong. But in my 32 years on the planet, I've discovered that things go wrong the moment after you ask the question "What could possibly go wrong?"
Murphy's law and all that.

But yeah. I get what you're saying. I've even thought about going for a better career. Like vocational school. I have varied interests. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out what I'd like to do for 8 hours a day. Right?
I tried radio. Got my foot in the back door of a station. Ended up on a morning show. Which is the primo spot for DJ's. The hours killed me, and I decided I liked the interaction with live people better. So I won't be pursuing that again.
I thought about cosmotology. A friend I know runs a salon, she recommends looking for something better. She said "It's fun for a while, but it's really hard on your body. Plus the routine makes the best of people go a little nuts."
I'm really good at being a receptionist. Sounds silly, I know. But I have a talent for talking to people, helping them. But that's not a great career to look into. So...what's left?
Computers. Ah. This is tricky. Granted the rate on which they change has slowed some. But still, going to school, by the time you get out, you may be outdated. AND, I am not great at math. Which you need for certain types of computer work. Right?
Oh..this is just another series of debates in my quest for that one thing I can do with myself to support myself, and travel a little.
I need something I can take with me. In case I go somewhere.
For example, my friend of 20 years is begging me to come live with her in San Diego. I'll need a skill and possibly a piece of paper that will travel and allow me to work there. She went Navy and has a medical background. So she's fine. Me, I can't do blood and guts. I can't even watch the part on CSI when they show how the bullet went through the person! So medical is out.
Wish I could deal with it, right now the medical field is in great need. You could pretty much write your own paycheck!

I'll look into the college thing. Promise.
Right now, I have to go get ready for the job that pays my bills.
Bartending isn't a good career, but it does pay the bills for now.

Thanks for the reponses and listening to me ramble!