My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
Some of us really don't want to die
Published on January 15, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
Alright. Everyone knows, when it snows, it sometimes gets very very slippery. I am what I term to be a "Old Baba" driver. It gets cold, with lots of snow on the road, and I turn into a little old lady. 30 maybe 40 mph. I'll get where I'm going. And. I won't wind up in the ditch.
NOW. Here's where I get cranky. Just because you happen to own an 4x4 SUV, it doesn't mean you can drive the same way you would on clear roads. All it means, is all four of your tires are turning. It gives you no right to flash your lights at me, cause you think I'm going too slow. Pass me if you must, but when I see you in a ditch further down the road, I'm going to laugh at you. I'll stop and help, but I'll laugh at you.

Can ya tell I just returned home? It's a bleeding mess out there. There were spots in the road where you couldn't tell if you even on the road anymore. There's that much snow. And when it's this cold (Current temp is 4), salt does not work. Salt ceases to really work below 17 degrees. There's not much to do about the snow then. I really do appreciate my highway dept guys and gals. They are up at all hours of the night, attempting to make the road drivable so the rest of us can go to work in the morning. I should make them some cookies or something.

Well, I have to get up early tomorrow. And I've just taken some NyQuill to allow me to breathe some. Damn cold is back. I thought I had ditched the darn thing.

The Misfit Chick
on Jan 15, 2004
I so hear where you are comming from!
We just cold snaped here in the PNW, wk long snow/ice storm and the ppl were just bonkerz!!
Some idiot took out the road sign at the top of road and the moron neighbors got stuck in our driveway trying to turn around!!!
We did the smart thing, stayed home untill we absolutely had to go out.
GWS, colds are nothing to snezze (ahem) at.
on Jan 15, 2004
I wish I could stay home today. Current temp is -4. And the wind chill? -30. Oooh Winter is sooo much fun.
And guess what I've seen already today?! Snowmobiles! You would think they'd have enough sense to wait till tomorrow when it's going to be in the 20's. The snow will still be there. Crazy people.

Gotta go. Warm up the car and go to work. Oh what fun I shall have today.
Wish me luck.
on Jan 16, 2004
I agree in that fact that people need to express common sense when driving, especially in adverse conditions such as SNOW and ICE..
But we all know that only a handful of people use all four cylinders, mentally speaking if you know what I mean.

Also a slight comment to those who drive the opposite..Those who drive down one-lane roads, during 20 under the speed limit..during optimal driving conditions..
If you're going to be driving for a long time, find an alternative route, would you? I'm a peaceful individual who values life, but even I am starting to feel road rage towards those turtles who feel slow and steady wins the race..Slow and steady will get you ran off the road if not worse..
on Jan 17, 2004
I'm with you on the other thing, Lunaticus. When the roads are clear. I'm a little speed demon. And "Sunday Drivers" on Tuesday, do not amuse me either.

Usually, it's an older couple with a really nice car, and they never use it's full potential. Very very sad.
on Jan 17, 2004
Sunday driving shouldn't be allowed even on Sunday..But I never see the police enforcing the new law of slowing tickets..i.e. if you're doing 20 (or 15) less than the speedlimit, you get ticketed..bleh
on Jan 18, 2004
Of course we'd never see it. AARP would be screaming bloody murder! No offense to the members of AARP.

::slinks off::