My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
when I want it
Published on January 14, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
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My strange little hobby of collecting TV episodes takes an immense amount of time. Of course, sometimes it's only for me, so I'm the only one making myself wait with this. But not today. Today, I got a call from one of my friends, whose Grandmother passed and she was coming home for the funeral. Of course, she didn't say she had to have the episodes I'm collecting for her, but I'd like for her to have them. Third Watch. It makes her happy. Her firemen and policemen. She just loves them. So, I was pushing myself to pull the rest of those episodes off and get them transferred so she can have them on Thursday night. And I have no time tomorrow night. Or Thursday before I'll see her. Oy to the vey.

Other than that, I'm struggling to keep warm in the sub zero temps we're experiencing in the North East. It's down right chilly out side. It's January! Of course it's cold. I slap myself when I catch myself whining about it. Spring is coming. That's what I have to keep telling myself.  I do like it warm.


Anyway. It's late. Or early. Depending. It's 3:40AM. I'm tired.  I think I'll attempt sleep now.


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