My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
Just going through an adjustment is all.
Published on June 19, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
Well, the smoking ban finally did what I thought it would. I got let go due to lack of business. Same week, I lost one of my DJ jobs cause the boss thought he was well enough to start up again. (He wasn't...explain in a bit). car decides to break. Timing belt and I had a valve cover leak.

Picked the DJ job back up cause the boss was not well enough to go back. In fact, he damaged himself further by trying to do too much too soon. Not that I wanted to get the job back that way, but I'm glad I've got it back. So were my regulars. They really missed me. It's nice to me missed.

Tonight I DJ'ed for the other guy I work for. Had a mixed crowd. Cornell hosts general managers of hotels from all over the world for classes and seminars about current topics to the travel industry. So, it's hard to play for a crowd that diverse but fun.

I am trying to unwind right now.

I'm not all that upset about being let go from that job. I need the money, this is true. But...I am planning on going to school. Community college, but it's a start. I'm tired of just getting by. Time to get serious about making the life I want...rather than what passes for ok.
And I'm a little scared about going to school again. I wasn't great at it the first time around. So..I wonder if I can actually do it and do it well. I'm going for computers. Networking most likely. I'll decide for sure when I check out what's offered and talk it over with someone who knows me and my skills pretty well.

So I'm around...just not all the time.
Hope all is ok with you.
Take care
The Misfit Chick

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