My basic ramblings. Read on if you like. I'm not generally concerned about being "PC" so if you're a crabby yourself some stress. Don't read.
Angel Ended Tonight
Published on May 19, 2004 By MisfitChicks In Misc
Joss Wheadon. Such a bloody genius, such an idiot!

And to make it fun, I'm so irritated I can't type correctly! Oy.

The end of Angel was tonight. Yes. I know they are discussing movies. But for a series should have been least 2 hours. But he didn't give Buffy a two hour ender, why would he do it for Angel. And to end it like that!!! Bad Bad and not good.
I am not the least bit amused.
For those who missed the end. Wes-Lyndsey-Hamilton. All dead. Wes killed by Cyrus Vail. Lyndsey was shot by Lauren. And Hamilton was killed by Angel. What a fight that was, and Conner helped him!
Illyriah lived. And was feeling grief for Wes, wanted more violence..It was coming for them in a hoard of demons and even a dragon. Spike, Gunn (Who was badly bleeding), Angel and Illiyriah all set determined to face the hoard. And BOOM. End credits. WHAT!!!?
THAT'S HOW YOUR ENDING A SERIES???? That ain't even right. I'm just annoyed now. Ali The Misfit Chick

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